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The soul of sacred music

Francis 1st’ Cantors Chapel
  • Francis 1st’ Cantors Chapel

    New-Spain, 17th century


    Vox Cantoris ensemble,

    Jean-Christophe Candau


    DSD64 (2,8 MHz) DOWNLOAD VERSION: .dff files


    Rated 4 by Diapason

    Nominated at 2020 ICMA International Classical Music Awards


    Under the European influence, the Viceroyalty of New Spain developed a rich musical tradition between the 16th and 18th centuries. The ensemble Vox Cantoris reveals the treasures of these polyphonies sung in 1648 by the nuns of the Convent of Incarnation in Mexico city, which combines the hieratic spanish style with the New World fervour.


    This recording unveils an anonymous five-voice mass, parody of a famous Renaissance song titled “Susanne ung jour”, and an entire service of polyphonic Complines composed by Juan de Lienas, first native Mexican composer, whose music is related to great Spanish masters such as Morales, Victoria or Guerrero.


    Messe "Suzanne un jour", anonyme, 5 voix

    1 - Kyrie 2'59

    2 - Gloria 4'38

    3 - Alleluia Senex puerum 2'58

    4 - Credo 8'11

    5 - Préface & Sanctus 5'46

    6 - Agnus Dei 4'14


    Office de Complies

    7 - Antienne : Miserere mihi (3 voix), Psaume 133 : Ecce nunc benedicite 5'17

    8 - Hymne : Te lucis (5 voix) 4'26

    9 - Repons bref : In manus tuas (4 voix) 4'32

    10 - Antienne : Salva nos (4 voix), Cantique évangélique de Simeon : Nunc dimittis 5'27

    11 - Antienne mariale : Salve Regina (4 voix) 9'57


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      • “The nine motets are interpreted with the precision and fine knowledge of the Renaissance repertoire that characterises Jean-Christophe Candau’s ensemble. These passionate artists do not only directly sing from the original edition facsimile: they strive to reconstruct the motets liturgical context, introducing plain-chant antiphons. The very beautiful acoustic of the Notre-Dame du Bon Secours chapel, and the high quality of sound recording, honour the precise and pure musical performance developed by Vox Cantoris for the last twenty years” Nicolas Boiffon, Classica, February 2020

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