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The sacred music label

What can be the contribution of a new label, in the vast ocean of scores, interpretations, styles, and works?


Psalmus was born in 2007 to achieve an original endeavor and transmit a genuine passion, through a label exclusively dedicated to sacred music.

Psalmus : the search for a soul…
…through the  choice of musical works


While the sacred repertoire genre is already well existing in current labels catalogues, it is far from being exhausted. Actual treasures of sacred music are still unknown, and some are still even unprecedented. By generating a new creative momentum, Psalmus strives to offer to the public the very essence and emotion of new works, or opportunities to rediscover them with renewed interpretations. A Psalmus CD is an adventure: the discovery of the new face of a seemingly known musical work, of the beauty and rarity of an unseen piece of music.



… by talented artists sharing the same passion


Psalmus is in close contact with artists at the research and technique cutting edge in Gregorian chant, Renaissance polyphony, both baroque and classical liturgical chant, as well as contemporary music. Thanks to these contacts, whether they are well-known or budding artists, Psalmus is able to program great original works never heard before, and of the highest interest.



… making each recording a  work of art 
  • Artistically - through the choice of artists capable of recreating  the full beauty and emotion in the selected works; through an artistic direction concerned with revealing the inner soul and transcendence of this music.

  • Technically - Psalmus considers that sound recording technology contributes considerably to the musical quality and the emotional content of the recording. Therefore, we strive to keep the recording chain from the microphones to the recorder as simple as possible, with only the best high-end audio devices, using DSD (Direct Stream Digital: 1 bit) high-resolution audio format. It is nowadays, the only audio format capable of restituting the whole, natural spectrum of emotions of the sound recordings.

  • Music intelligence - Psalmus creates thorough booklets captivating from both a historical and musicological point of view. They include comprehensive, accessible historical and musical information, systematic translations of the texts, and detailed learned commentaries to place listeners in the best inspiration to fully appreciate these music treasures.

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